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Citadel Paints
Air, Base, Contrast, Dry, Layer, Shade and Technical Paints
TECHNICAL Blood for the blood god
LAYER Moot green
LAYER Screaming skull
CONTRAST Black Templar
CONTRAST Apothecary White
TECHNICAL Typhus corrosion
LAYER Evil sunz scarlet
BASE Balthasar gold
TECHNICAL Nihilakh oxide
TECHNICAL Lahmian medium
TECHNICAL Contrast medium
SHADE Reikland Fleshshade 18ML NEW
CONTRAST Talassar Blue
LAYER White scar
BASE Rakarth flesh
LAYER Flayed one flesh
BASE Rhinox hide
BASE Abaddon black
LAYER Stormhost silver
BASE Screamer pink
BASE Mephiston red
BASE Khorne red
BASE Dryad bark