GAMES WORKSHOP CITADEL Adeptus Custodes Parade Ready Paint Bundle

GAMES WORKSHOP CITADEL Adeptus Custodes Parade Ready Paint Bundle

  • £68.00
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Join the fight for Holy Terra and get your Adeptus Custodes painted with this Parade Ready painting bundle. Don the glorious gold of the Emperor’s bodyguards and strike terror in the hearts of his foes on the battlefield or on display. Not only does this bundle provide you with the full set of Parade Ready paints with a single click, but it saves you money compared to purchasing them all individually.

This bundle contains:

1x Abaddon Black
1x Eshin Grey
1x Dawnstone
1x Bugman's Glow
1x Cadian Fleshtone
1x Kislev Flesh
1x Nuln Oil
1x Agrax Earthshade
1x Reikland Fleshshade
1x Leadbelcher
1x Ironbreaker
1x Mephiston Red
1x Evil Sunz Scarlet
1x Rhinox Hide
1x Gorthor Brown
1x Baneblade Brown
1x Thousand Sons Blue
1x Ahriman Blue
1x White Scar
1x Retributor Armour
1x Auric Armour Gold
1x Stormhost Silver
1x Wild Rider Red
1x Stirland Mud