GAMES WORKSHOP CITADEL Krieg 19th Siege Regiment Parade Ready Paint Bundle

GAMES WORKSHOP CITADEL Krieg 19th Siege Regiment Parade Ready Paint Bundle

  • £68.00
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Get ready for an epic painting grind worthy of the Death Korps of Krieg with this massive Parade Ready bundle. You’ll find everything you need to paint them up in the olive drab and khaki uniforms of the 19th Siege Regiment, including trench-themed muddy bases and red unit markings. This bundle will also save you money when compared with buying the contents individually.

This bundle includes the following pots of paint:

1 x Stirland Mud
1 x Castellan Green
1 x Athonian Camoshade
1 x Elysian Green
1 x Ogryn Camo
1 x Death Korps Drab
1 x Nuln Oil
1 x Agrax Earthshade
1 x Leadbelcher
1 x Ironbreaker
1 x Mournfang Brown
1 x Skrag Brown
1 x Abaddon Black
1 x Eshin Grey
1 x Mephiston Red
1 x Retributor Armour
1 x Zandri Dust
1 x Karak Stone
1 x Krieg Khaki
1 x Rhinox Hide
1 x Gorthor Brown
1 x Baneblade Brown
1 x Evil Sunz Scarlet
1 x Corax White